Start to FINISH
The Southern Bee Company
branding + design + development
The Southern Bee Co. is a blog-centric site focusing on the keeping and conservation of bees! In her quote request and our conversations, Britt stressed that she wanted a great southern feel while keeping things fun & fresh. And bees! She definitely wanted bees! She also needed to be able to eventually sell bee-related merchandise with hopes of being able to donate proceeds to preservation societies in the future.
Request form was submitted.
I provided a quote for cost & time based on the original request & our follow-up conversations. Deposit was paid and we were good to go!
style board

Britt put together an inspiration board for style while I did some peer research.
brand concepts
Using our conversations and her style board, I put together three logo & branding concepts for us to play with… We pretty much nailed it out of the gate– and she loved everything about one of the concepts. Had she not, we would have edited/modified the concepts until love was found. Sometimes a client likes the colors of one concept, the layout of another, and the fonts of another… we make it work.
The site!

Time for the test site! Using our new brand and style PLUS the details from our many emails, I built out a fully functional test site for us to play with… If a client has content ready to go at this point, I ask that they send it over before I start this phase. No content? No problem. I use sample content & stock photography to get our test site up and running so that we can make sure we get the look AND functionality just right. Once the test site was up, we went over everything and made sure it looked and worked just as it should. In this case, we added on pages as needed and tweaked the mobile layout a bit.
Time for the content! At this stage, I added the content to the main pages and the first few blog posts to get us started. *Some clients may not have content yet– for those projects, I’ll install their site with sample content for them to edit when ready.*
After we got our initial content up, we went over everything on last time and made any necessary edits/adjustments. I received final approval from the client, and we were ready to move everything to her hosting account.
Once I received final approval, I emailed Britt her installation checklist. This covered the final invoice for the project, logins for her server, social media connections, and info for any other services that we were integrating (google analytics, payment processing, etc.).
Everything was installed on her server & prepared for launch! Once a client is ready to launch their new site, it’s simple click of a button TO GO LIVE.
after the party
At the time of install, I provide all of my clients a custom Getting Started Guide via Dropbox. This guide covers logins, system information, plugins, and deliverables (such as logo packages and custom graphics). Best part? It also has all of my how to docs & videos to help them learn how to manage, edit, and update their new website. I’ve also got some great resources to show them how to use other popular business tools to help grow & thrive.
Let’s level you up. Take the step. Push the button. Rock the casbah.Why hire a designer like me? Because once we start working together, I am always just an email away… it doesn’t matter if we launched your website six hours ago or six years ago— I’m here to help you with problems or to teach you new tricks. BFFs forever, yo.